
Showing posts from August, 2021


  Some of our files like pictures, videos and others can be very important that loosing them can cause serious issues. I recalled when I and my collegue back then in undergraduate studies was to have a defense done on a Monday. A day before that day which was Sunday one of my colleagues was coming back to town to town. Sadly she got involved in a motor accident and her phone got damaged at the scene. She was having the soft copy of her work she will be presenting the next day in there but lost access to it. She had sleepless night as she started doing her work afresh. To her was just a night but to some other person may cause them more. Maybe you are working on a project that is very important or you have file that are very important e.g will, project, reciepts, contacts and others and you want to save them were they are always readily available, free from virus, flood, water etc. You are welcome and you're in the right place as this is what this post is all about.. Years ago I was...


  Some of our files like pictures, videos and others can be very important that loosing them can cause serious issues. I recalled when I and my collegue back then in undergraduate studies was to have a defense done on a Monday. A day before that day which was Sunday one of my colleagues was coming back to town to town. Sadly she got involved in a motor accident and her phone got damaged at the scene. She was having the soft copy of her work she will be presenting the next day in there but lost access to it. She had sleepless night as she started doing her work afresh. To her was just a night but to some other person may cause them more. Maybe you are working on a project that is very important or you have file that are very important e.g will, project, reciepts, contacts and others and you want to save them were they are always readily available, free from virus, flood, water etc. You are welcome and you're in the right place as this is what this post is all about.. Years ago I was...


Asking a girl out to some people can look difficult while to others is an easy task. I guess you like a girl but you don't know how to tell her. Funny enough she might like you too, believe me but she has to be the female by keeping dumb and waiting for your unresistable moves. Maybe you're good in this but want to upgrade your knowledge.  Before you ask a girl out you have to make her like you and this article is gonna guide you on how to make a girl like you  from scratch. Believe me I gat your back! Below are some hints that will help you to achieve a success in this: 1. Be presentable Girls are just one being that likes to show off. They like  guys that they can happily show to their family and girlfriends without thinking if they will like him or not. You can be presentable by always been neat and wearing decent clothes. This can also make her spend more time with you. 2.  Be Friendly Girls love guys that are friendly and can make them laugh. They don't like har...


Know Your Body Physiology. Physiology is a branch of biology that deals with body functions. It is what differentiate people from each other. Grandpa will always tell his girlfriends that he is still very strong and healthy. Yes he is 80 outside but he is 40 inside. This is body physiology. As our faces are different so are our physiology too. I recalled four years ago when I sustained a cut when helping mum in the farm. I was moved to a health centre to be stiched. I was injected so I won't feel pains before been stiched. Thesame injection worked on others but did not work on me and I cried my eyes out feeling a raw stich  as needle passed through my skin. Same four years ago I was preparing for a physics exams as I met my course repesentative. I aked him what keeps him awake all through the night. He told me that it was coffee. I decided to try that out. That night was the worst night of studies ever as I slept like someone who had been druged. These all tally to the fact that ev...


 Learning Mathematics Easily Most people have been asking series of questions like "how can I learn mathermatics easily?" "why is mathermatics so hard?" and "Why can't I understand mathermatics?" All these will be addressed and if applied, you will surely have a reason to thank me later. Mathematics is among the two major important subjects of study of which the other is English. It is applicable in different fields of study but many find it difficult to understand it. The truth is that unlike other subjects, mathermatics is not a day thing as every step gives reference to previous studies and knownlede. Below are hints to help one easily learn mathematics. 1. Build your mathematical foundation. As said earlier, mathermatics deserves previous knownledge as one will solve to a place he or she will need a previous knowledge. One way of building your fundation and basic knowledge on mathermatics is by killing your ego and bringing yourself down to learn e...


Trypanosomes a species of parasites that infect both man and animals and cause a great disease called trypanosomiasis. They live in blood in vertebrate host and in the alimentary canal of blood sucking insects during their life cycle. They are transmitted by blood sucking dipterans of the dipteran of the genus Glossina (Tse-tse fly) They are distinguishable/identifiable with the following features: 1. Presence of flagellum that arise from a kinetosome that is located near the top of the kinetoplast. 2. Reproduction is asexual though recent findings shows their is sexual form of reproduction. 3. They exhibit different morphological form in different host at different stages of their life cycle, with each stage during a kinetoplast and a nucleus. The shape of the cell and the position of the kinetoplast in relation to the nucleus defines the cell. For instance: 1. Amastigote : It is round with a central nucleus that is inferior to the kinetoplast with a rudimentary flagellum. 2. Promast...


Five species of Plasmodium parasites can infect people with malaria, but some species cause more serious problems than others.  The Plasmodium falciparum parasite is the one most likely to cause severe, life-threatening illness if the infection is not promptly treated.  When the malaria parasite enters a person's body, it travels to the liver, where it multiplies and matures. Parasites are then released into the bloodstream, where they invade and infect red blood cells.  The parasites continue multiplying and infecting other red blood cells, and these cells eventually rupture and release toxins, causing a person to experience flu-like symptoms. As the disease progresses, the liver and spleen (which filters and stores blood) can enlarge. Take appropriate anti-malarial medications — before, during and after the visit —which are highly effective at preventing the disease, Ryan said.  Apply insect repellent. Choose products containing DEET when applying the repellent on ...


  Water may contain numerous pathogenic organisms and thereby become a means of transmission for many diseases. These includes: Typhoid and paratyphoid fever, Hepatitis A, Cholera, Poliomyelitis, Diarrhoea (caused by Escherichia coli, Salmonellae, Yersinia enterocolitica), Viral gastroenteritis, Bacillary dysentery (caused by various species of Shigella), Campylobacter dysentery, Amoebic dysentery, Giardia (lambliasis), Balantidiasis, Helminthiasis cause by Ascaris and Trichuris.  Also the number of faecalEscherichia coli will be considerably reduced when the raw water is subjected to storage. The pathogenic organisms which may be present in water are numerous and identifying these organisms individually in practice (bacteria, protozoa, helminths etc.) is difficult. As their presence is always linked to faecal pollution (except for guinea worm), it is preferable to look for organisms which are “indicators” of this pollution. The common feature of all these routine screening pr...